
A Rabbi Reads the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Read the Bible with rabbi Jonathan Magonet and tap into 2,000 years of Jewish exegesis. Magonet draws on his own creativity as a poet and songwriter to read the biblical text, and uses it as a springboard for exploring the character of biblical personalities. He moves comfortably between the worlds of religious tradition and the questioning of the modern secular person. His skills as a popular...

‘ultimate’ interpretations we discover today. On a personal level, provided I do not become awed into silence by such a tradition, it offers a firm controlling discipline to my own wilder readings. My teacher, Rav (Rabbi) Shmuel Sperber, used to get terribly anxious when he discovered a hiddush, a new idea or reading, and would rush to the great commentators of the past to find someone who had discovered it before. You have to have known the man to realize the delightful mixture of humour, self-deprecation
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